Keep Your Child’s Mouth Healthy During Halloween!

Trick or treat?! Halloween is just around the corner and that means a bagful of sweets for every child out there. Here at our Central Georgia dental practice, we remind parents and guardians to be take extra care of their young one’s teeth and gums while trick or treatin’. Here’s a quick guide to healthy teeth and gums this Halloween and even the whole year ‘round.

  • Limit consumption of sticky candies such as gummy bears. It takes a long times for the saliva to washed it away increasing your child’s risk of tooth decay.
  • Encourage consumption of sweets with or after meals. Saliva production is abundant around this time and helps neutralize the acid from the candies.
  • Encourage your child to drink more water while consuming sweets.
  • Provide sugarless gums for your child to chew after consumption of sweets to help neutralized acids and remove plaque.

In addition to the Halloween-specific tips listed above, you might also want to continue teaching your child about the proper techniques of brushing in children.

If you notice that your child has been eating too much sweets for a while now, let us help you assess your child’s dental health. Call us at 478.923.0232 or fill out this contact request form to set up an initial consultation. We look forward to your visit!